Fortran Guidelines#

This section provides general guidelines for Fortran code developed in the Bristol Composites Institute. These guidelines have been developed to encourage best-practices that avoid common pitfalls and to ensure consistency across all projects.

Visual Layout#

The visual layout of code heavily influences how easy it is to read by those unfamiliar with it. Code with a good layout allows you to quickly recognise familiar constructs such as functions, loops, if/else blocks, etc., and where they start and end. Code layout is largely governed by whitespace, specifically:

  • Indentation

  • Blank lines

  • Spacing around variables and operators

  • Line length


Fortran has two standard formats for code layout:

  • Fixed-form (legacy)

  • Free-form


Where possible, use modern free-form Fortran instead of fixed-form.

Rationale Fixed-form Fortran is a legacy format that should be avoided for several reasons: it reduces readability of the code; it needlessly increases developer workload and; it permits ambiguities that lead to obscure errors.

See also

Abaqus: see this guide for how to use free-form with Abaqus user subroutines.



Always indent the body of functions, subroutines, loops, if/else blocks and similar such constructs.

Be consistent with the number of spaces used per indentation level.

Rationale Indentation is a standard technique for visually communicating the structure of code


Do not use a different indentation for comments; always align comments with their associated code.

Rationale Using a different indentation for comments breaks up the indentation of code constructs making it difficult to visualise where they start and end. Comment visibility is enhanced by using a code editor with proper syntax highlighting.

Example: indent the function body and that of the if construct

function dot(a,b)
  real, intent(in) :: a(3)
  real, intent(in) :: b(3)
  real :: dot
  dot = sum(a*b)

  if (dot < 1d-8) then
    dot = 0
  end if
end function


Use SPACEs, not TABs, for indentation. TABs are not valid input characters for Fortran.

Choose either 2, 3 or 4 spaces to representation ‘one indentation level’ and be consistent throughout your code. Most code editors let you configure how many spaces to indent when the TAB key is pressed.

Blank lines#


  • Separate related blocks of code with 1 blank line

  • Separate subroutines and functions with 2 blank lines

Rationale Spacing out code with blank lines improves readability

Line Length#


Continue long statements onto newlines. Lines should not exceed 100 characters.

Rationale Long lines may necessitate horizontal scrolling which obscures code. Side-by-side editor configurations, which typically limit editor width to half a screen, are increasingly common and useful for code development.
  • In fixed-form Fortran, statements are continued onto new lines by placing any character in the 6th column of the next line

  • In modern free-form Fortran, statements are continued by terminating the line with an ampersand &

Example: continuing a long statement in fixed-form Fortran

      y = a0 + a1 * x**2 + a2 * x**3
     &    + a3 * x**4 + a4 * x**5 

Example: continuing a long statement in free-form Fortran

y = a0 + a1 * x**2 + a2 * x**3  &
    + a3 * x**4 + a4 * x**5 


Do not use semicolons to place multiple statements on the same line.

Rationale Placing multiple statements on one line reduces the readability of the code by obscuring assignments and procedure calls since they are not immediately visible upon reading through.


Naming & Capitalisation#

The naming of variables and procedures is important for conveying the purpose and functionality of your code to those not familiar with it.

It is therefore important that your names are meaningful and accurately describe the variable or procedure. Moreover, you should follow the following recommendations for consistency and readability.


Use snake case for variables and functions:

  • All lowercase

  • Separate words with underscores


  • linear_tolerance

  • calculate_damage()

Rationale Fortran is case-insensitive, so the same variable or function can be referenced differently using different capitalisations. Using all lowercase is therefore recommended to encourage consistency and avoid confusion for readers of the code.


Use all lowercase for fortran keywords such as if, end, function etc..

All caps should not be used for fortran keywords - it is well known that all caps has measurably reduced readability[1]

Rationale There is no need to highlight fortran keywords using case, since Fortran is case-insensitive. Keyword visibility is enhanced by using a code editor with proper syntax highlighting.


Code should ideally be as self-documenting as possible, not requiring excessive comments to explain it. This means:

  • Using informative names for variables and functions

  • Break code into self-contained functions/subroutines that each have a single clearly defined task


Write clear code that does not need excessive comments to explain

There are some scenarios where the use of comments is recommended:

  • Use comments to concisely explain the purpose and methodology of each function or subroutine in your code (see Docstrings)

  • Use comments to explain obscure bug-fixes or workarounds that have no obvious interpretation alone

  • Use comments to label the end of loops for nested loops

Variable Declarations#


Use the full double-colon syntax for all parameter and variable declarations.


integer, parameter :: n = 100
integer :: m
real :: tolerance
real :: parameters(n)
Rationale Using the double-colon syntax everywhere improves readability and ensures all declarations are consistent with those that include attributes.


Do NOT assign to variables in the declaration statement:

integer :: iter = 10  ! NOT RECOMMENDED

This is not normal initialisation, it implies the save attribute which means that the variable retains its value between procedure calls.

Good practice is to initialise your variables separately to their declaration:

integer :: iter
iter = 10

This does not affect assignment to parameters at declaration which is okay:

integer, parameter :: N_MAX = 1E6    ! This is okay


Declaring Double Precision Reals#


Define a parameter dp at the top of your module and use it to declare double precision reals.

Rationale Other forms of double precision declaration are not portable across different platforms and compilers.

Option 1 (recommended): Use the intrinsic 64 bit (double precision) floating point kind

  use iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64

Option 2: Request a specific (minimum) precision p and exponent range r

  integer, parameter, private :: dp = selected_real_kind(p=15, r=307)

Example usage:

module demo
  use iso_fortran_env, only: sp=>real32, dp=>real64
  implicit none

  real(sp), parameter :: pi_sp = 3.141593_sp
  real(dp), parameter :: pi_dp = 3.14159265358979_dp

end module demo


You must use a precision suffix when writing double precision constants anywhere within your code, otherwise they will be truncated to single precision.

Example: real(dp), parameter :: a1 = 0.588375419731621_dp

Further reading: Learn more about Fortran variable kinds in “It Takes All KINDS”[2]

Integer Division#


Be careful when performing division with integer variables:

  • If all variables in the expression are integers, then an integer division will occur which will return the result rounded-down to the nearest integer.

Floating-point division will occur if at least one of the variables in the expression is a real:

  • You can use the real() function to convert an integer to a real, e.g. real(N,dp)

Program Units#


See also

See the Using Fortran Modules for more information on how to modularise your user subroutine code.

Fortran modules contain definitions that are made accessible to programs, procedures, and other modules through the use statement. They can contain parameters, variables, type definitions, procedures, and interfaces.

Placing variables and procedures into modules has several important benefits:

  1. Modules provide a scoped namespace for related variables and procedures which have to be explicitly imported

  2. Modules automatically generate explicit interfaces which are required for modern procedures and which allow for better compile-time error detection

  3. Modules can be used to logical organise code by collecting related procedures and variables together in the same module

  4. Module code can be easily reused and combined by other subroutines without duplication


It is strongly recommended that all auxilliary procedures and shared variables are stored in modules.

Rationale Modules enable the use of modern Fortran features and provide automatic compile-time checking of procedure interfaces.

Module variables are shared but do not suffer from the same problems as common block variables.

Further Recommendations

Subroutines and Functions#


It is strongly recommended that complex procedures are broken down into multiple functions or subroutines to reduce complexity.


  • Breaking up long procedures into smaller ones is a natural way to abstract complex functionality and clarify code structure and intent.

  • Small procedures with a clearly defined functionality are:

    • easier to conceptualise

    • easier to explain to others

    • easier to test and debug


Possible indications that a procedure is too long include:

  • There are a large number of variable declarations are the start

  • The procedure contains duplicated code

  • The procedure spans more than twice the standard screen height

  • The procedure has a large number of input arguments


There is no need to place return at the end of a function or subroutine. It serves no purpose, except to increase the number of lines of code.

As a general rule, it is recommended to choose between subroutines and functions based on the following:

Use a function:

  • if your procedure calculates and returns a single scalar, or a small fixed-size array and;

  • if your procedure does not modify its input arguments

Use a subroutine:

  • if your procedure calculates and returns multiple values and/or;

  • if your procedure returns a large or variable-sized array and/or;

  • if your procedure modifies its input arguments

Procedure Arguments#


Always specify the intent of procedure arguments:

  • intent(in): read-only within the procedure

  • intent(out): modifiable, but undefined on entry to procedure

  • intent(inout): modifiable

Rationale: Specifying argument intent has two important benefits:

  • It is self-documenting, providing important information to readers of the code

  • It is enforced by compile-time checks to avoid common errors


subroutine intent_example(a,b)

  ! We can read from a but not modify it
  integer, intent(in) :: a

  ! We can modify b, but it is not defined initially
  integer, intent(out) :: b

  if (a > 0) then
    b = a
    b = 0
  end if

end subroutine intent_example

End Statements#


Always use the full end statement for a block instead of just end on its own

  • end if

  • end do

  • end block

Rationale Using the full end statement makes it easier to understand deeply nested code.


Always include the procedure or module name in the end statement

  • end module <module-name>

  • end subroutine <subroutine-name>

  • end function <function-name>

Rationale Using the full end statement makes it easier to navigate files with many procedures.

Checking Code Correctness#


Even if your code compiles and runs, this is no guarantee that your code is correct. Memory errors and undefined behaviour can easily hide in your code without symptom if you’re not using extra checks and testing.

  • Always use testing and compiler checks to ensure there are no errors

Most Fortran compilers can enable additional compile-time and runtime checks to ensure the correctness of the code you have written.


If you are developing Abaqus user subroutines, you can easily enable these extra code checks using the Abaci tool with the --debug option.

The following compiler options are recommended for enabling extra checks:


Compiler Options for Extra Checks

Intel Fortran (Linux)

-g -check all -gen-interfaces -warn interfaces

Intel Fortran (Windows)

/Z7 /check:all /gen-interfaces /warn:interfaces


-g -fbacktrace -Wall -fcheck=bounds

These options will:

  • Check for out-of-bounds array accesses

  • Check if a variable is used before it is defined or allocated

  • Check that argument types match between interface definitions and routine calls (Intel compiler only)


Always use compiler checks when you are writing and testing new code, but don’t forget to disable them when you’re finished since the added checks slow down code execution.

Banned Features#


Backwards-compatibility is very important for the Fortran standard due to the age of the language and consequently large amount of legacy code still in use. This means that many legacy features remain in the language standard despite their use being strongly discouraged or them being made obsolete.

The following features of Fortran should not be used:

goto statement#

goto statements are universally acknowledged as bad programming practice since they obscure the control flow of the program and are highly error-prone. Moreover, they have been entirely superseded by structured programming constructs[3] which includes familiar concepts such as conditional blocks (if/else), loops and functions.


The following statements can be used instead of goto for common scenarios:

  • return - return from a function or subroutine early

  • cycle - jump straight to the next loop iteration, skipping the rest of the loop body

  • exit - exit out of a loop, skipping all remaining iterations

common block#

A common block defines an area of memory which is globally accessible by all functions and subroutines and which persists between invocations thereof.

Commmon blocks should not be used since their definition is allowed to vary between different functions, which can permit subtle errors to occur without an obvious symptom.


Use modules for persistent variables, that need to be accessible from multiple functions.

equivalence statement#

Equivalence statements should not be used, they are complex and error-prone. Pointers or derived types should be used instead.

Labelled do loop#

Use an end do statement instead.