Single-Node Jobs#
Small scale Abaqus jobs can be run on a single node.
Job Script Template#
Here is an example job submission script for a single-node Abaqus job:
1#!/usr/bin/bash -l
3#SBATCH --job-name=my_job
4#SBATCH --nodes=1
5#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
6#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=14
7#SBATCH --time=0:10:00
8#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000M
9#SBATCH --account=aero012345
11# Load modules
12module load apps/abaqus/2018
13module load languages/Intel-OneAPI/2022.2.0 # BlueCrystal (Phase 4) and BluePebble
15# Unset SLURM's Global Task ID for ABAQUS's PlatformMPI to work
18# Launch Abaqus
19abaqus job=<job-name> cpus=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} user=<usub-file> mp_mode=threads double=both interactive
On a single node, the best choice for best performance between mp_mode=threads
and mp_mode=mpi
will depend on your specific problem. threads
is recommended and known to work well;
may be more efficient for larger problems.
How to use#
Create a new job file (e.g.
) with the template above in a folder in your scratch spaceCopy your Abaqus job file (
) and Fortran user subroutine (if using) into the same folder
Update the number of processors to use (line 6)
On BluePebble the maximum number of processors per standard node is 24
On BlueCrystal the maximum number of processors per node is 28
Update the time limit (line 7)
You should update this to however long you require for your Abaqus job.
The format for the time limit is
See here for more help on
sbatch --time
Update the memory per cpu (line 8)
Increase this value if you encounter an
error message in your output fileRequesting too little memory (<500M) may cause the compilation or linking of large user subroutines to fail
Update the project account (line 9) to match your HPC project code
If you don’t know your HPC project code, you can run the command:
sacctmgr show user withassoc format=account where user=$USER
If you are using custom user subroutines:
Uncomment either line 13 or line 14 to add the Intel Fortran compiler depending on which system you are running on (BlueCrystal or BluePebble)
on the last line with the name of your Fortran user subroutine source file (e.g.usub_czm.f
on the last line with the name of your Abaqus job input file (.inp
)Submit the job to slurm:
Change directory (
) into the folder containing your job files and job scriptRun
$ sbatch
is the name of your job script
Make sure that you run your jobs using your scratch space
in /user/work/<username>/
and not from your $HOME
in /user/home/<username>
. Your $HOME
storage only has 20 GB (BlueCrystal) or 25 GB (BluePebble)
of space, whereas your scratch space has 1 TB.