Bristol Composites Institute


Bristol Composites Institute (ACCIS), University of Bristol, UK

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Bristol Composites Institute

The Bristol Composites Institute (ACCIS), based at the University of Bristol, UK, brings together composites activities across the University. It combines cutting-edge fundamental science with strong industrial links for exploitation and technology transfer, and acts as focus for collaboration, both nationally and internationally.

This page collects the various research codes that the BCI has made available to the academic community. The codes are hosted on GitHub via the BCI organisation page. Please contact for access.


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Project Description
DefGen (umat) This repository encloses a UMAT subroutine for the Finite Element software Abaqus. Given a determined cycle of pressure and temperature, the subroutine allows to make predictions for the the final thickness, fibre volume fraction and defects formed during the processing of composte parts manufactured through the prepreg technology. The code is at the basis of the recent work on defect formation performed at the university of Bristol (references included).
HypoDrape Hypodrape is a usermaterial subroutine (VUMAT) for Abaqus/Explicit used to define the mechanical constitutive behaviour of biaxial textile materials for simulating fabric drape and forming.
DefGen (python) This directory contains all the files of the DefGen ProToCoL material model (Python implementation) for the modelling of the toughened prepregs’ compaction response under processing conditions.
DefGen Parameter extraction This directory contains the implementation of the parameter extraction framework used for the analysis of the compaction data within the DefGen ProToCoL material model.
SimpleCure This project was developed to increase awareness of how thermal management modelling can be used to help guide design and production of composite structures in industry. The tools predict the 1D heat transfer in composites manufacturing processes with varying processing conditions, material properties, and geometries. User guide and tutorial are included.
PlyExtraction This software tool can process laminate sample images and construct detailed geometric finite element models in a fast and automated manner with minimal user interaction. The finite element models can be used directly for structural and strength simulations to analyse the effect of ply waviness defects.
Thick-Adhesive-Joints-Failure This directory contains all the files necessary to run the LS-Dyna UMAT developed at the University of Bristol for the simulation of thick adhesive joints failure.
MultiScale 2D woven This two-module Python package allows users to create pre-sheared 2D woven RVEs, homogenise their material properties, and apply them in component-scale shell models.